New from Garmin and Asusu the Nuvifone

CAC Admin |
Move over Apple - there's a new contender for the smart phone crown and it has been designed with car drivers in mind. The nuvifone G60 is packed with technology that will make motorists' lives easier and we can't wait to get our hands on one.
The Nuvifone is a collaboration between the Sat Nav makers Garmin and the PC makers Asus. Making sure that this product has a very good pedigree.
At the centre of its technology is a location-based service that uses GPS and internet technology to determine exactly where you are and what's around you. Hit the Where Am I? button on the device and you'll be given your exact GPS coordinates, as well as the nearest road or junction.
Social Networking addicts will love the Ciao! function too which can automatically update your status with your exact position - and even let you know on a map where your friends are. Clever stuff.
The G60 comes with 3G and WiFi internet access and a smart HTML web browser, similar to your PC's, so you can stay up to date with your favourite sites, like Car Audio Centre. Email access is available too with support for POP3 and IMAP4 email accounts such as Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo.
You tap out messages on the 3.55-inch touch-screen - with a similar keyboard to the iPhone - and there's predictive text to eliminate errors as well. All your usual mobile phone functions are present - such as SMS texts and of course phone calls. Plus there will be downloadable 'apps' which will offer things like live traffic information, flight status, local events and movie times.
There's a built-in three-megapixel camera - one-megapixel more than Apple's offering - and even this has some clever features. Each picture is geo-tagged with the location of where it was shot so users can navigate back to it.
The best bit about the new nuvifone is the Sat Nav, As it is made by Garmin you know it is going to work well and not have you driving into lakes. European mapping will be built-in with millions of points of interest included and live information will be displayed on your surroundings via the phone's internet connection.
This is one to really look out for. As it is also phone then you will have to wait for it to come out on a network before you can get one. Also pricing will not be released till then.