I Have My Own Box - Sell Me A Couple Of Subs & An Amp!

CAC Admin |

A customer called up & asked if we could sell him a couple of subs & an amp. I asked he he had a box & he said yes. Thinking that this would be a run of the mill job I suggested that he pay us a visit. When he turned up he showed us his box which turned out to be a very nice custom box made from fibreglass & nicely painted silver. I told him a box like that deserved a great package. Dean, the customer mentioned that he saw an Audiobahn Killer Bass package on the Car Audio Centre website. The deal was struck & we took his car in. On trial fitting the box we realised that there would be no space to fit the amp. I then remembered the install by the guys from Nottingham in the Subaru where they used a floating amp rack. Job done. Needless to say, the install sounds as good as it looks. Dean says he will be back to upgrade is front speakers & to add another amp. The photos can be found on our Facebook page.  http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=122808&id=686038338&l=6db4a1479e